du cabaret des oiseaux

du cabaret des oiseaux Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Quetsche du Cabaret des Oiseaux fiancée à Espresso Black & Chocolate

Actualité publié le 25/12/2022

du cabaret des oiseaux - Quetsche du Cabaret des Oiseaux fiancée à Espresso Black & Chocolate

Espresso Black&Chocolate est : 

HIP Dysplasia : A - Elbow Dysplasia Left : 0 - Elbow dysplasia : right : 0

(Quetsche) Que sera sera est :

HIP Dysplasia : A - Elbow Dysplasia Left : 0 - Elbow dysplasia : right : 0

Tous les renseignements sur Espresso Black&Chocolate :


Philippe Lammens said on 12 september 2022 :

"After winning the BOB at the French Championchip Show in 2021 with Retriever Specialist M. Marc Valois, Espresso Black & Chocolate (CH. Vegas night bella mare x CH. Laura rose black & chocolate) won this week end the BOB at the French Retriever Club Show under Breed Specialist Mrs Yoland Shirton and with co-judge Gary Johnson for the BOBA special thank to his Breeder Mrs Liliy

Zierova ( Labrador Black & Chocolate), top breeder from Ukraine who is living very difficults moments, this winning is specialy for you Liliy...

Big thank also to the breeder of his father Sonia Czajor."

Liliy Zierova said on 13 september 2022 :

"Great show result this weekend in Brussels ?? Belgium dog showsCh.Espresso Black&Chocolate(Ch. Vegas Night Bella Mare x Ch.Laura Rose Black&Chocolate)

?? 10.12.22 Brussels IDS

Judge: Gregory Onkelinx( BE)

?1 Exc. CAC ,CACIB, BOB, Crafts Qualification!!!???

?? 11.12.22 Brussels IDSJudge: Jim Richardson (UK)

?1 Exc. CAC !

Big congratulations to the owner Philippe Lammens !!!! ????Thank you very much !!!"
